Regardless of your primary skin type, ethnic background, or age, minor or major irritating skin conditions can be present, even those you can’t feel. The skin can burn, chafe, or crack, and you may have patchy areas of dry, flaky skin related to weather conditions, hormonal changes, the skin-care products you use, or sun exposure.…
What Effects Your Skin Type
Almost everything can influence skin type, which is why it can be so tricky to attribute a single skin type to what you see on your face. Both external and internal elements can and do impact the way your skin looks and feels. To effectively evaluate your skin and determine the correct skin-care routine, here…
What Is Your Skin Type
Simply put, skin type is the description and interpretation of how and why your skin looks, feels, and behaves as it does. The four most common and relatively helpful skin-type categories used by the cosmetics industry are: 1. Normal (no apparent signs of oily or dry areas) 2. Oily (shine appears all over skin, no…
Organic Market
The forecast for continued strong sales of products labeled as organic is nothing less than robust. As a category, organic (and natural) products are worth $7.3 billion. From 2005 to 2007 there was a 53% increase in launches of organic products, including many new brands that appeared in well-known retail outlets such as Wal-Mart, Walgreens,…
Sun Protection against UV exposure and benefits of Aloe Vera gel for skin healing
Sun protection is an important aspect of skin care. Though the sun is beneficial in order for the human body to get its daily dose of vitamin D, unprotected excessive sunlight can cause extreme damage to the skin. Ultraviolet (UVA and UVB) radiation in the sun’s rays can cause sunburn in varying degrees, early ageing…
Anti-aging creams sold in stores are often “cosmeceutical” skin care products
Anti-aging creams are predominantly moisturizer-based cosmetic products developed by pharmaceuticals and marketed with the promise of making the consumer look younger by reducing, masking or preventing signs of skin aging, such as sagging, wrinkles, redness, brown discolorations, yellowing, abnormal growths, and/or poor texture. Despite great demand as a result of so many often biased and…
Toxicity found in almost all Beauty Products in Retail Shops and Supermall Stores
Factories are design to make mass produced products and ideally, to the investors, as cheap as possible with as little overheads as absolutely as necessary while targeting the highest profits that can be achieved. Often this translates into cheap ingredients, since it is one the easiest ways to reduce overheads by a huge factor. Personal…