Older skin is different from younger skin; that is indisputable. Yet it is a mistake to buy skin-care products based on a nebulous age category. Treating older or younger skin with products supposedly aimed at dealing with specific age ranges does not make sense because not everyone with “older” or “younger” skin has the same needs, yet it’s a trap many women (especially older women) fall into. An older person may have acne, blackheads, eczema, rosacea, sensitive skin, or oily skin, while a younger person may have dry, freckled, or obviously sun-damaged skin.

Products designed for older, “mature” skin are almost always too emollient and occlusive, and those designed for younger skin are almost always too drying. The key issue with skin type needs to be the actual condition of your skin, not your age. In fact, regardless of age, all skin types, young and old, need sun protection, lots of antioxidants, ingredients that mimic skin structure, and cell-communicating ingredients. These types of ingredients are of the utmost importance for skin care, and age doesn’t change or alter that in any way. While wrinkles may tend to separate younger from older skin, your skin can still be oily at 60 and you can still struggle with breakouts.

Not everyone in their 40s, 50s, 60s, or 70s has the same skin-care needs. In a way it’s simple: You need to pay attention to what is taking place on your skin, and that varies from person to person.